Saturday, November 26, 2005

Rest in peace, Eddie

Recently, one of the greatest superstars in WWE passed away. I' m referring to the one and only Eddie Guerrero. I want to use this blog to express my sympathy and give my condolences to his family and all his friends. He certainly represented in some way an identity that we latins have in many cases (not everybody is like that though). Anyways, despite there were times in which the american wwe fans detested him, he still was able to win the hearts of many americans. He will always be remebered as Latino Heat. For all what you gave in the ring and the many great moments in which you made many people laugh, Eddie, thank you!
Rest in peace now, you deserve it. Viva la Raza!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Shougo said...

No seguí la carrera de Eddie antes de la WWF, pero si recuerdo muy bien su llegada a ella. Fue con los "radicalz" el año 2000, venían todos de la WCW. Grandes rivalidades de Eddie con Chyna, Essa Rios, Jericho y después con los pesos pesados como Cena, Brock lesnar, Mysterio, etc. Grande Eddie. Nunca olvidaremos el "Frog Splash" ni el "Lie, cheat, steal".
Hasta siempre, essa.