Thursday, December 14, 2006

Los grandes fiascos.

El fútbol en Chile no se caracteriza por ser altamente competitivo desde hace mucho tiempo. Varios clubes rinden dentro de Chile demostrando superioridad ante sus competidores, pero una vez pisan suelo para competencias internacionales, sobresalir no es precisamente uno de sus fuertes. Gran parte de los equipos chilenos cuando pierden en competencias extranjeras recurren a frases celebres como "No se nos dieron las cosas, la cancha estaba en mal estado" o sino recurren a decir que dejaron todo en la cancha y que se marchan tranquilos por que en frente tenían a un gran rival y todo eso sólo para no desmercer sus 'logros'--las típicas excusas pa no decir directamente: "Arrugamos" o en lenguaje garabatero: "Nos cagamos enteros, fuímos unos cagones". LA verdad duele, y parece que todos los jugadores que saben esto dentro del fondo de su ser, sólo se esfuerzan por engañarse de lo contrario cuando saben perfectamente que pudieron haber hecho algo más si no se hubieran sentido presionados. En varias ocasiones los equipos chilenos suelen afrontar los duelos en el extranjero de varias formas, las cuales se traducen en dos formas principalmente: Una, siendo un fracaso rotundo en el que los equipos no lograron nada de principio a fin inclusive cuando matematicamente tenían opciones de clasificar, casos como el de union Española la pasada libertadores en donde a pesar de no sacar buenos resultados en gral, estuvo cerca de clasificar a segunda fase, pero que para 'sorpresa' de todos, quedó eliminada. En segundo caso no es precisamente opuesto al anterior, pero se caracteriza por ser el equipo que inicialmente saca buenos resultados, jugando bien o mal--cosa que a estas alturas hasta los mismos hinchas parece no importarles sólo con el deseo de ver ganar a su equipo. En fin, esta clase de equipos ilusiona a los hinchas ya que a pesar de no jugar bien y no convencer a nadie, estos equipos obtienen los resultados deseados en principio y cuando la gente empieza a sentir confianze en el equipo, este equipo se desinfla más rápido que un globo y se queda fuera de la competencia. Por otra parte, están los equipos que juegan bien y que atraen a la gente a llenar los estadios jugando bien con rivales de peso. Tal y como es el caso de Universidad Católica en la Libertadores 2006, que empezó como un bala, pero se desinfló abruptamente en las últimas dos fechas y se fue pa la casa. Casos como este abundan en el fútbol chileno, pero basicamente todo lo anterior se traduce en que a pesar de las favorables condiciones gran parte de los equipos chilenos ceden ante la presión y terminan como recientemente terminó Colo Colo, en un equipo derrotado que le faltaron huevos para ser campeones. Si bien es cierto que muchas veces no se deber menospreciar el rol del rival, en el particular caso de este equipo, decir que equipo es mejor en términos grales es demasiado relativo, ya que en muchas ocasiones hay equipos que son física y psicologicamente superiores a otros, pero que jugaron mal al mismo tiempo que el otro equipo jugó bien. Si bien Pachuca es un buen club y todo lo demás, están muy lejos de ser un equipo invencible por la forma en que se les hicieron los dos goles en esta final, jugando bien eran perfectamente ganables, pero como es el caso--único hasta donde sé (porque desconozco de otros países en donde esto ocurra tan seguido)--de los clubes chilenos, estos parecen incapaces de dar el último paso cuando lo único que tenían que hacer era mantener el ritmo de lo que habían hecho hasta ese momento. Opuesto al caso de Católica en 1993 que se topó con un casi invencible Sao Paulo en la final de la Libertadores, donde las chances eran realmente remotas por tener a un rivalazo, Colo Colo pudó haber completado la tarea si hubiera sabido manejar bien el partido, cosa que no hizó por 'cansancio' y bla bla bla.
No desmereciendo lo que hizó Colo Colo como varios equipos han hecho, hay que reconocer que la tuvó bastante fácil en la mitad del torneo jugando contra equipos como alajualense o 'malajualense' mejor dicho, y gimnasia y esgrima de la plata y el mismisimo toluca que jugó tan mal en esos dos partidos, que no demostró ser nada al final.
Sé que es triste ver como las esperanzas de varios se rompen en pedazos, pero sean honestos futbolistas y admitan alguna vez que fue más responsabilidad suya que la del equipo contrario la razón de la derrota, por favor, hay que ser mucho más autocríticos en este tipo de cosas ya que el engañarse sólo conlleva a cometer los mismos errores una y otra vez. Esperemos que por el bien del fútbol chileno esta lección se aprenda y que los jugadores demuestren que sus ambiciones pueden vencer al cansancio y todos los demás factores que hacen que el futbolista chileno se "cague" en los pantalones en la hora de la verdad.
Yo soy alguien que detesta las generalizaciones, pero lamentablemente por lo que he visto en mi vida, tengo que admitir que esto parece ser una lamentable tendencia en nuestro fútbol, cosa que sólo el grande y 'UNICO' Colo Colo de 1991 ha sabido romper hasta ahora.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Initiation is the stage that almost any aspirant in the academy has to experience, yet, in contrast to almost all initiations which are taken in a single moment, this initiation process takes a long period of time. It is a period of harsh, hard, hopeless and endless havoc where many applicants have to renounce to a part of who they are to become a brand new being, in this case, a human with perceptions and senses beyond the average that most people are not aware of possessing. In this process, learners are not only required to become mature enough to handle such great responsibility, but also to change the mentality of how they see life. The only problem with the initiation process is that it cannot neither be understood nor measured as it is nature which finally decides if a human is capable or not to handle it; men and women equally. However, in contrast to eastern religions, everything related to the material world is not something that has to be left aside, but it is a complement to understand an experience.

Even the great majority of wizards spend years to master their own power that in the end they may either control it or simply ignore it, yet due to the varieties of magic, all wizards privilege one type over the other. Young Dorsh had passed the two first steps previously, but this step would be the one that would change his life completely. In these days, Dorsh could not wait to learn magic, however, he was assigned the most rigorous and hideous instructor in the academy, at least according to what the rumours said about that teacher. Due to the fact that learners had to initiate magic by themselves, the instructor was only there to supervise and give the students some advice about what should more convenient when the power within them arouse. His instructor's name was Amrov Heltach, but due to the pronunciation of his name, many called him "Hell touch" as he had the reputation of hitting students so hard so that they would not come back in case the first two steps were done with little achievement. As Dorsh was the case, he had to submit to his inhuman treatment.
First of all, instructors had to isolate all learners and take them to different parts across the land to make sure the learners who had had passed did not tell others about how he did it as all individuals will wake their inner magic in a variety of different ways. Dorsh was first taken to the forest where he had been told to spend the most time meditating and watching carefully to all his surroundings. Sometimes, he had to be so concentrated as Mr Heltach asked him what were the exact words that a person used near him. After a week of meditation and many readings about the theory of magic, they marched together to the cold mountains, where Dorsh had to practice meditation in a very cold weather at the same time he had to climb the mountains since Mr. Heltach have warned him he could leave him at any moment and he would have to find him. That happened on many occassions and Dorsh spent days, even weeks looking for him until he realised he may have come back. Sometimes Heltach told him that he had never left the area in the first place, but he had remained hidden, which meant Dorsh did not put enough attention to find him. As a result, Dorsh had to undergo the same test all over again until he could find Mr. Heltach. Days went by, and as they went, Dorsh began to feel frustrated for the first time. As he was not used to feel deep emotions, he had broken a plant without even realising. Starvation also began to have its effects on him, even though he did not eat much, his mouth watered whenever he felt meat being cooked on the surroundings. That was one of Heltach's tricks to make the student even more desperate because he had a fried turkey on his hands and he moved while Dorsh tried to follow that smell. Eventually, Dorsh began to smell other things apart from the turkey, he began to smell something different, not a plant, but a fruit which was very far from him. After hours of looking, he found a tree with apples, where Heltach was waiting him. "You can eat now" he said, "but from now on, if you want to eat, you will not guide yourself neither by your eyes, nor your smell. If you want food, you will have to use your ears only". That really sounded ridiculous. How was he supposed to get food using his ears only? He could not cheat as Heltach had very strong punishments for the ones who did not play by the rules. Usually, he tied them, put a blanket so they could not see and dropped them into a river.
Dorsh underwent that punishment many times, but still overcame the tests since he was extremely perseverant. Gradually, Heltach and him began to share some little secrets about their past lives. Although Dorsh did not have much to say, Heltach passed him tips of many books to read. Since he stopped reading a long time ago, Dorsh find it boring to read, unless the books' content had something to do with magic. Despite the prohibition to allow students get tips of how to pass this exam, Dorsh continued reading about the importance of enhancing vision and smell in order to determine particular gases, blood smell and other smells miles from distance. Yet, the book mentioned that hearing was perhaps the most important among those three. Dorsh felt curious about this, but as he was about to change page, Heltach took the book from his handsand told him. "It's time" he said. Dorsh replied: "Time? for what?". "Time for you to hear the voice of another reality, that's all. Hope you enjoy it."
Dorsh stood motionless.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Decepción de los viajes o Aburrido yo?

Dos viajes van ya durante este año, uno a Paraguay y otro a Buenos Aires. Francamente ninguno de los dos fue de mi agrado. Siendo honesto, no me gustaron, me aburrí, no porque los países no tuvieran nada que mostrar, sino que simplemente no salgo por mi cuenta hasta conocer bien los territorios. En fin, en Paraguay la pasé mal principalmente porque me enfermé y me cuide en todos los aspectos posibles temeroso de no enfermarme denuevo aún consciente de que estaba exagerando un poco el cuidado. Además, no soy de los que salen a conocer personas nuevas, sino que espero y simplemente contemplo el paisaje, con eso en gran parte no me aburro mucho. Honestamente prefiero caminar solo mirando los alrededores pensando en nuevas ideas y tratar de guardar ciertas imagenes del paisaje. No fue el caso en este viaje, pero volveré allá para conocer y procuraré no enfermarme estúpidamente como lo hice la primera vez.
En Buenos Aires es otra la historia, no porque no me agraden los argentinos, sino que simplemente una ciudad con arquitecturas sorprendentes a mi no me llaman la atención. Espero que no se malentienda que desprecio estas obras, por el contrario, son excelentes pero no me producen ninguna emoción. Por otro lado, la cultura Argentina no era una de las que estaba ansioso por conocer. La verdad es que la imagen que tenía de ellos no es muy diferente a la que tengo ahora. Veo que les apasiona enormemente el fútbol, pero como a mi no me gusta el fútbol argentino, ni la selección argentina, por más que sean mil veces mejores que nosotros, no lo sé, simplemente no puedo entenderlos tanto como puedo entender a otras culturas. Con respecto al futbol, más que por su estilo de juego, no me gusta su personalidad, sobretodo cuando pierden y se pican de una manera que demuestra su fanatismo excesivo. Bueno basta de futbol, la gente allá es más culta que en Chile en general y al parecer suelen hablar mucho más. No todos eso si, porque no pienso caer en generalizaciones tontas. En fin, pienso que Diciembre es una fecha ideal para volver a Paraguay, Buenos Aires es muy grande, pero por el momento no pienso ir y francamente, creo que no debí haber ido porque tenía que estudiar mucho y eso en gran parte me arruinó el viaje, así que de lección, si tengo muchas cosas que hacer, simplemente no voy.

eso es todo

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

one fight in a night in twilight, part 1

After days in an errand, a young man riding a black horse, dressed with a long dark cape arrived to a bar in the middle of nowhere to ask for some information he needed for his journey. The bar tender is a man in his late forties, with a big gray moustache, and wavy gray hair, cleaning a glass and watching how four men nad a woman played poker right next to a room which is carefully closed with a special lock that ordinary men cannot break. The men are all dressed differently, one wearing a white shirt with a red tie, with long dark blue trousers and white boots. Two players are brothers, despite they can be easily noticed as such, both dress in totally different manners, while one wears a bright red jacket, the other wears a blue jacket with black spots that are hardly noticeable, and while one usually presents a smile in his face for always winning, the other has always his eyebrows low down as a sort of complaint for his bad luck. The woman player dresses in a rather funny way as she is the only figure that stands out among the group. She dresses in pink, wearing a violet hat that shaded her eyes in order not to allow the others see her next move since her eyes usually denounced her--clear sign of being very concentrated in the game. Finally, the last player is a huge bold man, wearing a woolly hat and a blue feather in his shirt's pocket. He does not have eyebrows, but had a very short beard, which is fully covered in beer.
The young man tries to open the lock in a vain attempt to prove himself that he can break the seal and enter into that mysterious room. After failing, he talks to the bartender.
Young Man: "What does that room contain that its lock is impossible to open?"
Bartender (still cleaning the glass): "What is inside that room, I do not know, but I know the reason why it is kept closed".
Young Man (sort of curious): "What is the reason?".
Bartender (Breathing over the glass): "I think the person locked it that way so that only the most prepared and skilled person could possess what is inside that room".
Young Man: "So only the most capable person will open it, right?".
Bartender: "Yes, that's right. If you want clues of how to open the lock, go and ask that group over there (pointing the group playing cards with his middle finger). They also came here with the intention of opening it, however, they all failed".
Young Man (Coldly). "None of them? and why do they remain here?".
Bartender (introducing the glass into the cupboard). "They are still trying to solve the puzzle, so they thought gathering to share ideas was the best way to advance at the same time they kill time playing cards".
Bartender: " Go and ask them, perhaps you may find something interesting".
He goes to the table and asks:
Young man:"Does any of you have some information of how can I open that door?".
Red Tie guy: "Mind your own business kid, can't you see we're playing? Besides, don't you have any manners to go and ask us like that without introducing yourself".
Brother 1: Don't get so angry, friend, this is typical of kids in these days, they don't show any respect for their older ones. It's just a matter of getting accostumed, that's all".
Brother 2: "Anyways, he interrupted our game in its most exciting point".
Lady: "Leave the kid alone, guys, he's just a kid compared to us, you must not behave as one of them, assuming that horrible attitude".
Bold Man: "She's right, if you, gentlemen, think you're so educated, why don't you behave as such and treat the kid as he deserves, please?".
Bold Man: "Well, kid, why do you want to open that door?".
Young Man: "None of your business, just tell me".
Bold Man: "Very well, then, (he laughs) I think none of us can really tell you what is needed to open that door, you see, we were just discussing it".
Brother 2: "When you interrupted us..."
Bold Man: "Please..."
Brother 2 remains silence
Bold Man: "If you want to know more about how to open that lock, have a sit, I think this will make the game more interesting (bringing a chair, the Young man sits down between the bold man and brother 1)".
Bold man:" Ok, my name is Cravret, I am a priest, or at least I used to be one (He laughs). I arrived here three days ago and tried to open that freaking door, but I couldn't, i just couldn't. I tried everything, from a fire arrow to a beam shock, nothing seemed to work. I used all my equipment, from my special keys, to my own beard. (laughing)".
Young Man: "So none of that worked, Ok I'll try to use some ice, then".
Brother 2: "That won't work either, I also tried that, but trying to convert the lock into a block of ice did not work as the thing never froze up".
Young Man: "Hmm...".
Lady: "Don't even think of trying to burnt it also, that thing won't melt even if a volcano made eruption over it".
Bold Man: "That would also burn the place, dear".
Lady drinks a glass of wine, while looking attentively to the Bold Man.
Lady: "I know... it's just that...that damn thing is if some conjurer had created it".
Brother 1: "Let's not bring conjurers to the conversation, please?".
Bold Man: "Oh, damn, I also forgot to introduce the others, young man. (pointing to the Red tie guy). This man is Edgar Van de Burgh. He is a very well known treasure hunter, you know? Despite his bad reputation, he is willing to help to open that ceiling, but he insists that he will to obtain the treasure before us.
Van de Burgh: "And I'm GOING to obtain it. You know that I'm just sitting here in order to figure out how to open that thing. After it's done, is everyone for himself and in your case (pointing to the lady), for herself".
Bold Man (slightly laughing): "OK, ok...Well as you can see, this two gentlemen (pointing to the two brothers) are the Petkolic brothers, one is Sven and the other Slatan, i don't know them very well, but, God, Slatan is very good at playing, while Sven has very bad luck".
Sven: "Leave me alone, next round, please...?
Slatan: "Perhaps this is finally your time".
Bold Man: "And finally, let me introduce a beautiful lady from the north region, (directing to the lady) Miss Schmidt".
Miss Schmidt: "Leave the formalities, just call me Laura".
Bold Man: "And what is your name, young fellow?"
Young Man: "I have no name".
Bold Man: "What? you must have one".
Young Man: "Not all people in this world have, I am one of those".
Bold Man: "WHAT?!! Are you perhaps a mercenary?".
Young Man: "No, I'm just one man looking for the most important thing in human's life".
Van de Burgh: "And what's that, boy, if it isn't money?".
Young Man: "I don't know, but is neither money nor women. It is something that I long for, and in order to get it, I must get what is behind those walls".

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

second level

Once the young boy adapted to perceive things in a different way, he had to undergo the second level of the magician's process. Although many of the more experienced wizards told their students that this was the hardest part that a wizard should encounter in their whole learning, Dorsh did not feel intimidated at all. This level was considered the most difficult for not only their physical strength was evaluated, but also how they complemented it with their mental capacity to resolve some problems in certain situations. In this level, students were forced to cooperate as they needed to resolve their problems by taking the right decisions. One wrong decision or hesitation meant only one thing, failing everything at once. No individual decisions could be made, otherwise, the apprentice will be penalised with disciplinary sessions, and if he committed the same mistaker, he would be expelled from the group and the academy as well.
Dorsh was introduced into his group by the teacher. His partners' names were a young man named Miknok, who belonged to a rich family and very polite and kind with others, yet Dorsh did not pay any attention to him. His second partner was a kid named Herlon, who in a way became the leader of the group since he was one of the few that have little knowledge of what magic was about. Dorsh's third partner was the strangest one, but he was the one with which Dorsh got along the best, his name was Mortamizavic, a very strange name, that its owner did not like at all, therefore he called himself Dacres. After getting to know each other, each group had to compete for the better mark. In this sense, the last group would be reproved. The competitions were divided in three levels, if one different group won each level, those groups would advance automatically to the next level of their learning. The first level of competition consisted in a physical test where students had to cross a river near the mountains without any kind of rope or help. Dacres took this competition and surprised everybody by shoving many of his competitors down the hill, producing him to be disqualified. Both Miknok and Herlon were shocked of his partner's attitude. Dacres complained, but unfortunately one of the kids he harmed had a father who was a very powerful influence within the institution, so Dacres got punished with a minimum of 30 days of reclusion.
Dacres, however, was not very tolerant in waiting, so the night previous the second competition he imanaged to escape from his prison and introduce some kind poison in the other kids' beverage. However, Dorsh caught him and Dacres immediately asked him: "You won't tell anyone, will you?" to which Dorsh responded: "Tell what?". "I do not know what you plan to do nor do I care, but they'll catch you, and then you'll be screwed", he said. "I don't care about that, I just want to pass to the second level" Dacres answered. After a brief silence, Dorsh only replied: "I'm going to sleep, see ya". Dacres could not understand what had just happened as Dorsh did not show any emotions despite seeing what he just saw.
The next day, everything worked well until one of the kids fainted prior the competition. Dacres was immediately caught as someone had previously acknowledged it was Dacres who did it. At first, Dacres did not care what were the consequences of his acts, he just wanted to know who had accused him. He went looking for Dorsh, but when he found him, Dorsh coldly told him: "I told you they were going to catch you anyway". Dorsh just left and after a few days, it was known that the ones who had accused Dacres were non others than Miknok and Herlon, his other partners. The next day, both were found dead in their beds. The cause of death, poisoned.
And so, everybody went out to look out for Dacres in order to punish him since he was the only one who could have done it.When they found him, he was sent to jail, where he remained two years.
However, he never admitted his crime as he thought someone had incriminated him with his own poison, but nobody believed him.
Due to the unfortunate events in Dorsh's group, many wizards felt sorry for him and allowed him to pass to the third level. Something that perhaps they might have regretted later due to the horrible consequences that would have in the future. Anyways he satisfied the wizards' requirements for the third level. The initiation.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

La intolerancia

Durante años he tratado de lidiar con la intolerancia, pero lamentablemente no he podido ganar esta terrible batalla. Todas las veces, demuestro mi poca tolerancia hacia la musica que no me gusta, tal como el reggaeton, cierto tipo de rap y otros. También soy intolerante ante la gente que actuá sin razón y que no puede aceptar de pasarla bien sin trago, usando la aceptada excusa del lubricante social y todo eso. También soy poco tolerante con las personas que usan la vil excusa de que el cigarro les ayuda a quitarse el stress y que ayuda a no engordar. Sin importar que tanta veracidad pueda tener eso, el cigarro hace mal y destroza los pulmones y eso, todos los que usan esa vil excusa, lo saben. En lugar de afirmar que es su vicio y asumirlo, prefieren evitar el tema sobre dejarlo (no todos naturalmente) porque simplemente no quieren hacer el esfuerzo y sobretodo gastar el dinero si necesitaran terapia siendo que el consumo de esa porquería forrada de tábaco además de ser un chupasangres, es un chupabolsillos al mismo tiempo. También soy intolerante ante cierto tipo de publicidad, como axe, que trata de hacer creer al hombre que al usar ese producto, uno podrá obtener cualquier mujer que desea, lo cual no sólo es falso, sino que hace ver a las mujeres como si todas fueran 'fáciles'. Este tipo de publicidad, machista, también hace creer que por usar ese producto, uno es mas viril o algo por el estilo, algo absolutamente sin sentido. Además, este tipo de publicidad denigrante hacia las mujeres sólo hace que las mujeres estimagtizen a los hombres de 'calientes', como si no pudieran pensar en otra cosa. Algunos podrán considerar divertidos esos comerciales, lo cual es aceptable, pero a mí me dan asco porque no solamente son machistas, sino que en mi opinion, impulsan el feminismo extremo, cosa que también me desagrada, porque si el machismo no existiera, tampoco existiría el feminismo que nació como reaccion de la sociedad paternalista existente en otras épocas y que aún persiste en la mayoria de ellas hasta el día de hoy (aunque eso está cambiando ahora). Francamente me molesta que el hombre en general, siendo mucho más que un montón de testosterona, se sienta identificado con esa clase de comerciales que a mi parecer, denigran tanto a mujeres como hombres haciéndolos parecer como 'huecos', como máquinas del sexo, que sólo existen para eso.
Por último, mi mayor intolerancia puede sonar ridicula, pero es así también, es que soy intolerante con la intolerancia. Sé que suena raro, por eso, a veces me considero una paradoja humana. Soy intolerante ante el hecho de que por culpa de un par de daneses imbéciles que publicaron esas caricaturas de Mahoma, estén pasando todas esas terribles cosas en el oriente. Pienso que si bien es legítimo rechazar el Islam porque se tiene otra religión, eso no significa que la gente pueda burlarse de ella abiertamente ya que mucha gente se siente herida por eso y también molesta hasta el punto de romper todo vinculo con occidente. Para eso, los fundementalistas islámicos podrían hacer lo mismo con Jesús, y ahí, imaginense que pasaría. Caos y protestas en donde los fundamentalistas cristianos apoyarían esos ridículos dibujos de Mahoma y seguiría la controversia como en un círculo vicioso. Aún cuando condeno tanta violencia de parte de los musulmanes, los entiendo. Uno no debe burlarse de ellos bajo la miserable excusa de la libertad de expresión que la gente parece usar solo cuando le conviene. Por lo tanto, al pueblo musulmán hay que dejarlo en paz y quemar esos dibujos para siempre para que mucha gente en Europa comience a madurar, porque a pesar de ser un continente viejo, muchos habitantes no parecen haber madurado lo suficiente. Sin embargo, con la guerra en Irak y la ayuda de la comunidad europea, esto sólo parece ponerse peor ya que los medios también estan ayudando a que gran parte de occidente se ponga en contra de los musulmanes, haciéndonos creer que todos son terroristas, cosa que no es así. Todo esto no nos va a llevar a nada bueno. ¿ Y por qué? porque el mundo también es intolerante, tanto como lo soy yo en muchos otros aspectos.

Friday, February 10, 2006

En medio de las vacas

Resulta que ya estamos a mitad de las vacaciones y aún siento que no he hecho nada significativo. Bueno, desde el principio me dije que no pensaba trabajar puesto que ahora estoy a cargo de casi gran parte de las labores domésticas. Darle la comida al perro, lavar un poco los platos, o al menos sacarles la mugre para poder meterlos en el lavavajillas, barrer y trapear la cocina, a veces, hacer la cama de mis viejos, colgar la ropa, darle la comida al perro y la mejor parte....sacarle las cacas al perro. Sinceramente, he tratado de lograr no caer en la rutina, pero lamentablemente si yo no lo hago, despues se acumula mucho trabajo para mis viejos. En fin, la única novedad de este verano es que veo hartos documentales y aunque no me enorgullezco de ello, veo dibujos animados, que si bien son pa chicos, tb tienen tallas pa adultos. Bueno, en fin, luego de haber ido a la playa con mis amigos, me di cuenta de que sin importar cuanto trate de tener paciencia, la verdad es que no puedo. Si bien admito que se pasó bien, nada resultó como esperaba ya que muchas veces todo era un webeo permanente y no podía hablar en serio. Otra cosa fue el cable, que si bien tenía hartos canales, era bastante fome porque no tenía los que más me gustaban a mí. Otro error fue no haber llevado algunos dvd para ver peliculas buenas y no la mierda que se pillara con el asqueroso zapping de mis amigos. Lo peor de todo es que me desconecté del mundo y no vi las noticias ni escuche la radio por hartos dias. Fue una buena experiencia y todo eso, pero espero que la próxima vez sea mejor y mis amigos se aburran de wearme en grupo como si fuera una confabulación sólo para que algunos de ellos se sentieran bien al hacerme enojar. La próxima vez, vale decir, el próximo año, veremos, pq en vacaciones de invierno, no conviene y no se va a poder tampoco.
Por ahora, viviré estos dias concentrándome en ver documentales y en tratar de mantener la línea de dieta, ya que por el momento es lo único que puedo hacer antes de irme a la playa denuevo, pero esta vez con mi familia, francamente espero que eso resulte mejor, aunque allá fijo que todo va a ser una rutina. A estas alturas, creo que ya no se puede evitar.